St. Patrick: Innovative church planter

St Patrick’s Day is upon us! Saint Patrick’s legacy runs much deeper than shamrocks and wearing green. He joined God’s mission in his day in innovative and inspiring ways. The following is an excerpt from the book, Trauma-Informed Evangelism:...

Celebrating the Life and Work of Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen

At the Christian Scholars Conference in June, 2022, Mission Alive’s founder, Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen, was honored with a series of academic papers written to follow the three phases of his ministry: Mission work in East Africa Teaching missions at Abilene...

Why 20 Matters

Last spring, National Public Radio published an article claiming that in 2019 more churches closed than opened. A lot more. Furthermore, they referenced a study conducted by the Public Research Institute that claimed the average congregation size declined by more than...

Listening Agendas from Steve Shaffer

Good coaching begins with a willingness to set aside our own needs to benefit from our conversations. When we stop trying to satisfy our need to have the answers, or be seen as wise, or helpful then we can be fully present with others and fully invested in them. This...

Bob Griggs–The Roots of The Crossing Church

In 2007, Patti and I moved to San Antonio and were soon inspired by the original staff of Mission Alive to do something we felt we had been prepared for since becoming followers of Christ–we wanted to plant house churches who would continue to meet in homes...