New Training Opportunities with Mission Alive

We are excited to share a new opportunity with you! In response to requests for training, Mission Alive is developing 4 training labs for church plant teams, established church leaders and members, or anyone wishing to develop missional interests. Each lab is designed with pre-lab fieldwork, a 6-hour training lab, and post-lab fieldwork. Each of the 4 training labs will focus on one aspect of missional ministry with accompanying exercises to develop competencies.

1. God’s Mission – this lab will present a basic understanding of God’s mission, incarnational theology, and spiritual calling, along with a variety of exercises to develop missional and incarnational interests.
2. The Gospel – this lab will help the participants reimagine how to describe what Jesus did for a world unaware of the gospel story. It will address fresh expressions of the gospel, appropriate atonement theories, and how to speak of Jesus and his ministry in contemporary North America.
3. The Marginalized – this lab will explore biblical views of the marginalized, the plurality of cultures, and how to minister to those who have experienced various forms of trauma. Participants will develop the ability to see the marginalized in their own community and identify how to serve them.
4. Our Micro mission – this lab helps the participants scale their mission to their immediate neighborhood, community, or network of relationships with a goal of starting some kind of micro expression of the church (missional community, micro church, etc.). This lab will also introduce some leadership concerns for those leading micro mission expressions.

If you or your team would benefit from deeper training in missional ministry, please contact Steve Shaffer at .