From Charles Pierson–President, Mission Alive Board of Directors Congratulations, Mission Alive on 20 Years! That is a significant milestone, however, 20 years doesn’t even make a ripple in the continuum of time of eternity, does it? God has called us to be...
Thanks to You, 20 Matters! Our 20th anniversary celebration was a joyful success! Our setting at the Museum of Biblical Art was nestled amongst a heavenly host of inspiring works like “Call to Worship”, “Tapestry of the Centuries”, and...
If you haven’t experienced Mission Alive’s Reimagining Church now is the perfect time! This thought provoking series will engage your imagination to see new innovative approaches to ministry in North America. Read Kevin Vance’s article as he...
From Kevin Vance, church planter for the Gentle Road Church of Christ, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada We are excited to have Jacob Hibbard with us as a summer intern. Jacob hales from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is a student at Abilene Christian University in Texas. He...
From Tod Vogt, Executive Director: Listing your milestones is like storing a pocketful of sunshine for a rainy day. -Winston Churchill Since 2024 is Mission Alive’s 20th year of ministry, we are taking the time to list some important milestones: September 2005 – The...
From Tod Vogt, Executive Director It is a great joy each year to carve out a few days to spend in Malibu, CA, representing Mission Alive at Pepperdine University’s Harbor Bible Lectures and connecting with colleagues from all the country and the world. This year...