For many of us, summer can mean a little more free time–time to relax, reflect, and read. We invite you to spend some of that time reading the compelling articles from Mission Alive’s blog series, Reimaging Church. These 15 articles have helped stretch our...
A message from Blake and Katie Burchfield and family–Hot Springs, South Dakota Little by little, with much prayer and faith, we continue to make inroads within our own community of Hot Springs and on the Pine Ridge Reservation. God has been so faithful in...
The following article was written by Jerry Browder, former board member and long time supporter of Mission Alive. Jerry served on the board from its inception until 2023 and continues to support Mission Alive in a variety of ways. He is an elder at the Singing Oaks...
From Steve Shaffer, Director of Coaching and Discipleship. A few months ago, Steve Allen, one of our church planters with The Table Irving, asked if Mission Alive could help train his volunteer team members. Since then, we began crafting a series of quarterly courses...
New Catalyze Coach Training Offering! Mission Alive offers three levels of ICF accredited coach training: Leadership, Certification, and Professional. This fall we will begin offering the core Catalyze Leadership training in a new weekly online format. The new format...