Thoughts from Debra Ham, MA board of directors

Thoughts from Debra Ham, MA board of directors

Mission Alive’s Board and Staff are Christian men and women who have a heart for leading people to God. I feel blessed to be a part of this work. I believe Mission Alive’s focus on reaching people through innovative communities of faith is essential in today’s world....

Update from The Crossing, San Antonio, TX

Bob and Patti Grigg started a faith community 18 years ago in San Antonio, TX.  The Crossing is still blessing their community and Bob and Patti have shared a little about how God has been at work there. We invite you to pray for the Griggs and all of Mission...

Mission813 Giving Day

From Candace Vogt, Founder-Mission813 Our annual Giving Day is only one week away and I want to share with you why Mission813 does what it does.  Take a minute to look at the faces in the banner above. Some are the faces of our church planters and leaders.  These are...

Unique Opportunities!

UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES In addition to starting new churches in our typical way, occasionally a church will approach Mission Alive to help with a specific project. In recent months, we have been contacted by the Newmarket Church of Christ in Newmarket, Ontario, and the...

Time and Treasure

From Eric Daniels, Director of Development As summer draws to a close, I think how different this year feels than last year. Last year was filled with the excitement and  expectation of celebrating our 20th anniversary.  And although the 20 Matters celebration is now...