New Opportunity for Mission Alive Canada

A message from Kevin Vance, church planter in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Mission Alive Canada (MAC) is looking to partner with the Newmarket Church of Christ (NCC) for a new missional project in their community just north of Toronto, called Parish House. Over the...

Easter and missio dei

The traditional Easter celebration beautifully illustrates the missio dei (God’s Mission). It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of the Christian faith, and the power behind God’s mission on earth. The resurrection fuels endurance for...

Good news from The Table-Irving

Political battles. War in Ukraine and the Middle East. The economy. No doubt, there are many things that are discouraging right now. How about something really encouraging instead? Read this from The Table Irving church planter, Steve Allen. The Table-Irving is...

What is a marginalized community?

You’ve probably read our mission statement before: Mission Alive equips leaders to develop innovative communities of faith focused on transforming marginalized communities. To us, “marginalized communities”, isn’t just a generic term but...