There is a song by Reliant K that includes the lyric, “…I struggle with forward motion, we all struggle with forward motion. ‘Cause forward motion is harder than it sounds…” We all struggle with forward motion because growth and change are always easier said than done. Setting goals is exciting, but that excitement soon turns into an unpleasant grind, and likely grinds to a halt. Once stopped, the laws of physics remind us that things at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force. We need something outside us to keep us on track, to stay in the game, and grind through the challenges. There are numerous kinds of outside forces that can aid the pursuit: deadlines, alarms, smart watches, technology. [Alexa: “Steve, this is your reminder to write a Freshwater article”] In Catalyze coaching, we believe that we are created in community and that relationships are the best source of healthy accountability. Coaching provides two levels of accountability. First, the simple discipline of having an intentional conversation in a scheduled series of meetings creates a natural form of accountability. Second, coaches learn how to keep accountability healthy by trusting their coachee, setting aside their own interests, and focusing on growth versus performance. It is really amazing how kenotic conversations can catalyze growth.

A new on-line Catalyze Coaching track begins soon– February 25. If you are ready to help others make forward motion, click HERE to learn more and register.

Steve Shaffer, Director of Coaching and Discipleship