In addition to starting new churches in our typical way, occasionally a church will approach Mission Alive to help with a specific project. In recent months, we have been contacted by the Newmarket Church of Christ in Newmarket, Ontario, and the Refuge Church in Union City, Tennessee. Each of these churches has a unique opportunity and we ask that you pray for God’s leading for their work.

“Sharing the Kingdom of God through friendship with the neighborhood”

For the past 15 years The Newmarket Church of Christ has engaged a nearby neighborhood working hard to develop friendships, extend warmth and hospitality, and welcome their neighbors into the church community.  This success has led them to realize the need to have an even greater presence in the neighborhood.  Toward that goal, the church purchased a piece of property, The Parish House, and is looking for an individual passionate about engaging this urban neighborhood, continuing to connect the church and the neighborhood  in the mission of God.

This ministry has grown beyond what Nathan Pickard, Newmarket’s minister, can do alone.  Nathan and the Newmarket Church of Christ will remain closely associated with The Parish House but have asked Mission Alive Canada (and U.S.) to come alongside to help identify the right individual to oversee this ministry and equip them as they integrate into the neighborhood.

If you are interested, you can read about HERE.  To contact Nathan directly email him at pickardnathan@hotmail.com .


Dan Huggins planted Refuge Church in January 2017. He had seen people hungry for spiritual community but felt like they did not fit in established churches. Refuge Church intentionally engages people who have experienced deep brokenness in their lives. They run a Celebrate Recovery ministry with approximately 60 participants weekly. Today Refuge Church is a community of a few hundred people from all walks of life.  They desire to be a place where their neighbors can find Jesus and live in Christian community.

Refuge Church wants to find an Associate Minister to join them in their work. As Dan moves toward retirement, the Associate Minister will take on increased responsibility and at the right time, assume the leadership of Refuge Church. If you want to explore this possibility, you can learn about Refuge Church HERE or on their Facebook page. If you want to reach out to Dan Huggins email him at danhuggins2013@gmail.com