Mission Alive’s Board and Staff are Christian men and women who have a heart for leading people to God. I feel blessed to be a part of this work.
I believe Mission Alive’s focus on reaching people through innovative communities of faith is essential in today’s world. Many people around us cannot be reached through traditional churches due to a variety of reasons (such as location or life circumstances), but they still need to hear about God’s love and grace. Our church planters do just that.
At Mission Alive’s 20th Celebration, I had the privilege of meeting a few of our church planters. It was so inspiring to hear about their work with Native American tribes, homeless people in urban areas, and Spanish speaking communities. Through these servants and their dedicated work, I know great things are happening to further the kingdom of God and I am excited to see what fruits come from their labor.
Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. Some of us have the gift to go out and do this work; others are gifted to help support them financially. Take a moment to think about it – where do your gifts fit in?