Catalyze Coaching Resources

Catalyze Coaching will free you to help others soar in ways they never dreamed possible. Explore the inner disciplines to think like a coach and learn the skills to masterfully structure conversations within authentic relationships.
Catalyze Coaching trains individuals to think and practice coaching as a Christian. It is rooted in a Christian worldview. It is informed by Christian theology and ethics. It assumes the Holy Spirit is active in the world and in the life of Christians. Catalyze Coach Training also reflects the very best coaching orientations and techniques available and describes coaching as: intentional relationship to catalyze God’s work in others for the sake of the world.
This book will introduce you to several foundational concepts critical to effective coaching. It uses flying as an aeronautical metaphor for the coaching relationship and discusses how coaching is both linear and nonlinear in conversation. Coaching conversations have ebbs and flows, with abstract and concrete ideas, that advance forward or circle back. This flying metaphor will help readers navigate the coaching relationships and conversations.

Coaching offers a dynamic perspective to conversations that will change the way you think about helping relationships and leadership. For those that want to find powerful ways to help others move forward, discover purpose, and experience growth – coaching gives you the foundation and skill to work with people from a fresh perspective. Coaching helps organizational leaders develop powerful growth-focused cultures that aim high, plan effectively, stay focused, and steadily improve. Coaching integrates leadership development into every conversation, preparing people for the next level.
Catalyze Coaching will train with both the foundations of coaching and the skills for powerful conversations. Becoming a coach requires new ways of thinking about helping relationships, intentionally setting aside your agenda, diagnosis, and advice to allow God’s work in others to be fully realized. In a Catalyze Coaching program, you will learn to listen effectively, understand the structure and dynamics of conversations, and ask powerful questions within an authentic relationship that maximizes progress.
The Catalyze Coaching Workbook is the perfect companion to Catalyze Coaching and together they form the foundation of Catalyze Coach training programs. The workbook follows Catalyze Coaching chapter by chapter and leverages our decades of experience training coaches to accelerate your coaching transformation. Each chapter will include the following:
- Summary – Recaps the corresponding chapter in Catalyze Coaching to solidify core ideas and principles and provide a quick reference.
- Think Like a Coach – Discussion and exercises to solidify the cognitive and attitudinal transformations that are part of becoming a coach. Each exercise focuses on the common inner and outer challenges of the journey to become a great coach.
- Exercises – A curated collection of activities that sharpen skills, clarify content, and accelerate your coaching development.
- Coaching Toolbox – Carefully planned assignments and exercises that produce resources for you to use in your coaching practice.
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Discipleship Cohort Resources

The heart of Christian living is learning to hear God’s voice and following Him into the world as disciples. Discipleship Cohorts (DCs) are small groups of Christians who meet weekly to encourage healthy spiritual disciplines of listening to God through Scripture, prayer, and mission. Discipleship Cohorts are a powerful, reproducible tool for spiritual growth, church renewal, and leadership development. This book is intended as a resource for use during facilitator training provided by Mission Alive. It outlines the background and theory behind Discipleship Cohorts and the session-by-session outlines.

The heart of Christian living is learning to hear God’s voice and following Him into the world as disciples. Discipleship Cohorts (DCs) are small groups of Christians who meet weekly to encourage healthy spiritual disciplines of listening to God through Scripture, prayer, and mission. Discipleship Cohorts are a powerful, reproducible tool for spiritual growth, church renewal, and leadership development. This book provides the materials needed to participate in a 16-week Discipleship Cohort and is appropriate for both new and seasoned Christians who want to grow in Christ.