
Church leaders across North America are faced with a church that has been in numeric decline for decades and shows no sign of turning around.  They struggle to balance the desires of congregants, some who long for days gone by, and others who hunger for more contemporary, relevant forms of church.

All churches, no matter how old they are, need healthy, competent and spiritually vibrant leaders.    Mission Alive will come alongside your leadership in a single day meeting or periodic sessions to help your leaders grow and lead the church to be vibrant, engaged and fruitful.

Mission Alive offers the following four workshops.

Changing the Paradigm

Church leaders are concerned about the health of their congregations, the future of the church, and often feel burdened to find the “silver bullet” that will reinvigorate their church!

Church renewal begins with leaders and it begins by changing how they think about their role.  The first task of leadership is to discern God’s will for the church.  The contemporary church needs to shift away from strategies and programs to discipleship and discernment.  God can and will lead for the sake of His mission.   Are we listening?

Changing the Ministry Paradigm of Leadership prepares leaders to listen to God, their church, their community, and act on what God reveals.  When they do, leaders can lead with confidence and courage.

Changing the Ministry Paradigm of Leadership can be delivered in a single day session or split into two sessions.


21st Century church leadership is complicated. There are so many resources available.  How do leaders make sense of it all?

Principles of Christian Leadership focuses on six simple principles that will invigorate your leadership.  Each one is rooted deeply in Scripture and challenges the leader to discover new ways of practicing the simple teachings of Christ they already know.

Principles of Christian Leadership can be delivered in a single day session, split into two sessions or weekly across six weeks.

Spiritual Life

The first ministry of any spiritual leader is to his or her own soul.  Your leadership board, group, team or committee cannot lead others into a deeper, more vibrant relationship with God if they are running on empty.  The Spiritual Life of the Local Church Leader helps leaders who are often dry and depleted to drink deeply of the life-giving fresh water that flows from God.

The Spiritual Life of the Local Church Leader will help your leaders develop personal habits of spiritual renewal.

The Spiritual Life of the Local Church Leader can be delivered in a single day session, split into two sessions or weekly for six weeks.

Missionally Engage

Every church says it want to reach its community with the Good News of Jesus but very few do.  Missionally Engaging Your Community equips leaders of well-established churches with many of the same competencies used by church planters to start churches.

  • Learn how to seek and identify “people of peace”.
  • Discover simple steps any Christian can take to develop new relationships in their neighborhood and community.
  • Identify a team in your church to develop pilot projects.

When Missionally Engaging Your Community is paired with team coaching, your church can change see change in just a few weeks.

Are you ready to RENEW?