Mission Alive’s apprenticeship program, Outfitters Residency, is a 12-24 month missional church planting residency in North America. It is designed to equip emerging church planting leaders under the mentoring of a veteran church planter within the environment and life of an existing church plant.

Outfitters Residency is preparing a new generation of pioneering leaders to join the missionary movement in North America.  The residency will provide the biblical, missional and practical preparation needed to plant new, innovative churches in suburbs and marginalized communities:

What's in it for you?
  • Live in rhythms of personal prayer
  • Learn culture through city mapping and ethnography
  • Walk with neighbors in poverty and assist them in finding wholeness
  • Offer pastoral care to members of their missional community
  • Form and lead a discipleship group
  • Launch, form, and lead a missional community
  • Identify people of peace and lead them toward faith and a commitment to Christ
  • Share the good news of the kingdom of God with searching neighbors
An Outfitters Resident is one who:
  • Has a deep desire to guide others into a meaningful relationship with God
  • Demonstrates passion for starting new, innovative churches
  • Exhibits a teachable and coachable attitude with a hunger to grow in spiritual maturity
  • Works within the vision and values of the supervising church planter
  • Is committed to historic, orthodox Christianity
  • Is able to secure a part-time job and/or raise funds to cover expenses
  • Possesses a Bachelor’s Degree or higher