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Whether you like to read, listen or watch, we have a platform for you to be enriched in the areas of discipleship, church planting, the movement of God through our mission, or learning to help others reach their full spiritual potential.

“Reimagining Church” by Rex K. Butts

Discipleship Conversations: A Mission Alive Podcast

Innovative Church Conversations
Watch our series of conversations with national church leaders about the future of the church and innovative ways the church can transform in North America. Featured guests have included Hugh Halter, Brian Zahnd, and Elaine Heath.

Missional Church Planting
Subscribe to our blog – moderated by K. Rex Butts. We explore church planting in post-Christian North America.

Catalyze Coaching
We are excited to share that Tod Vogt, Executive Director and Dr. Steve Shaffer, Director of Coaching and Discipleship have published their first book!
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