Many Ways to Support God’s Mission Through Mission Alive

Give to Mission Alive

Gifts made to Mission Alive support the team and ministry of Mission Alive allowing us to continue this important mission.

Give to Mission 813

Gifts made in the name of Mission 813 also support the team and ministry of Mission Alive but do so through the ministry of Mission 813.  Mission 813 is a ministry of Mission Alive that acknowledges the important role women have played throughout history to advance the church.  Mission 813 is named for Luke 8:1-3 that describes the women who supported Jesus and His ministry.  To learn more about Mission 813 or to get involved in their service to Mission Alive’s female church planters, follow this link. To give, click Donate and choose Mission 813 from the Donate To drop-down menu.

Give to Mission Alive’s Harvest Fund

Mission Alive’s Harvest Fund are funds we grant to new Innovative Faith Communities (church plants) to help them get started.  The funds are distributed over approximately three years.  Disbursements are made according to mission deliverables to ensure the funds are well-spent toward the goal of starting new IFCs.  Since Mission Alive does not charge our church planters for training or coaching, we take 15% of each gift to the Harvest Fund to cover administrative expenses.  It is also important to note that Mission Alive IFCs (church plants) commit to tithe to the Harvest Fund for the first 10 years of their existence to help them develop a reproducing culture. To give, click Donate and choose Harvest Fund from the Donate To drop-down menu.

Give to the Jonathan Van Rheenen Memorial Endowment

The Jonathan Van Rheenen Memorial Endowment is named for Mission Alive’s founders’ (Gailyn and Becky Van Rheenen) eldest son who was killed in a truck accident in 2006.  Gailyn and Becky were in the middle of a Mission Alive training event when they learned of their son’s death.  The Van Rheenens gave the initial gift to Mission Alive to start this endowment.  Out of gratitude and love, Mission Alive has named the endowment for their son.  Mission Alive’s board reviews the growth of the endowment fund and determines how to use it to best advance God’s Mission through Mission Alive. To give, click Donate and choose Jonathan van Rheenen Memorial Fund from the Donate To drop-down menu.