Overview of Mission 813

Mission 813 is modeled after the women who gave sacrificially out of their own means to support the ministry of Jesus. These women embodied our fourth Core Conviction by showing their love through personal sacrifice. Learn more about Mission 813 and how you can become...

A Thanksgiving Message from M813

A Thanksgiving Thought from Mission813 As Thanksgiving draws near, I begin to think about what I will serve at my holiday table. I create a shopping list and look for new recipes. I also think about the people who will sit around that table and the conversations we...

Mission813 Giving Day

From Candace Vogt, Founder-Mission813 Our annual Giving Day is only one week away and I want to share with you why Mission813 does what it does.  Take a minute to look at the faces in the banner above. Some are the faces of our church planters and leaders.  These are...

Mission 813-who we are and what we do

Many organizations utilize an annual giving day to highlight a special opportunity to support their cause. The day is often selected for an anniversary or special date that marks an important milestone in the life of the organization. So, why did we pick August 13?...

Learn more about Mission 813

Mission 813 is a unique ministry of Mission Alive that acknowledges the important role women have played throughout history to advance the church. M813 exists to support Mission Alive church planters financially and also to be a source of support and friendship to the...

Give to Mission813

Mission 813 is a ministry of Mission Alive that acknowledges the important role women have played throughout history to advance the church.  Mission 813 is named for Luke 8:1-3 that describes the women who supported Jesus and His ministry with their own means.  Gifts...