Sheep or goat?

It only requires a surface reading of any of the Gospels to realize that Jesus paid special attention to those at the margins of society. In 1st Century Jewish culture those at the margins were women, children, foreigners, those with handicaps, those thought of as...

Why we do what we do. Core Conviction Part 3

Happy New Year! I hope that your holiday season was a joyful one. Before I launch into the third part of our series on Mission Alive’s core convictions, I want to quickly review the first two convictions under which Mission Alive operates . 1. God is still...

Introducing a new IFC in Lufkin, TX!

Meet Our New IFC Leaders in Lufkin, Texas–Sarah and Jason Hollinger Mission Alive is proud to announce the development of a new Innovative Faith Community (IFC) in Lufkin, Texas. Several weeks ago Jason and Sarah Hollinger successfully completed their assessment...

There’s a change in the atmosphere!

From Eric Daniels, Director of Development for Mission Alive: I’ve been talking with our church plant leaders and had an epiphany! The mornings are getting chilly in central Texas. You can sense that things have changed.  We’re no longer left hoping the season will...