Perhaps you have never given much thought to the value of coach training because you don’t ever see yourself being a coach. I’d like to challenge you to consider your need for coach training. I’ve heard it said that the essence of relationships is conversation....
There is a song by Reliant K that includes the lyric, “…I struggle with forward motion, we all struggle with forward motion. ‘Cause forward motion is harder than it sounds…” We all struggle with forward motion because growth and change are always easier said...
Give yourself a present this year! Join a Discipleship Cohort or begin Catalyze Coach training. A new DC begins in January. To learn more about the power of Discipleship Cohorts to deepen your relationship with God and others click here. Register now for...
New Catalyze Coach Training Offering! Mission Alive offers three levels of ICF accredited coach training: Leadership, Certification, and Professional. This fall we will begin offering the core Catalyze Leadership training in a new weekly online format. The new format...
Good coaching begins with a willingness to set aside our own needs to benefit from our conversations. When we stop trying to satisfy our need to have the answers, or be seen as wise, or helpful then we can be fully present with others and fully invested in them. This...