It only requires a surface reading of any of the Gospels to realize that Jesus paid special attention to those at the margins of society. In 1st Century Jewish culture those at the margins were women, children, foreigners, those with handicaps, those thought of as...
A Call to Authentic Engagement Recent findings from Barna’s The Open Generation: United States report reveal a compelling trend: over three-quarters of U.S. teenagers (77%) express a desire to learn more about Jesus with 52% being “very motivated”...
Perhaps you have never given much thought to the value of coach training because you don’t ever see yourself being a coach. I’d like to challenge you to consider your need for coach training. I’ve heard it said that the essence of relationships is conversation....
Embedded deeply into the practices and training of Mission Alive is the spiritual practice of discernment. Simply, discernment is determining what God is saying to you – about any subject. Of course, the challenge is to distinguish between God’s voice and the...